Học tiếng anh

Học tiếng Anh qua phim hoạt hình: Phương pháp hiệu quả và thú vị

Learning English through animated films is an innovative and enjoyable approach that offers numerous benefits for language learners. Excel English recognizes the potential of this method and provides a dedicated platform for individuals to enhance their English proficiency through engaging animated content. Our comprehensive collection of animated films caters to various levels of learners, making it an accessible and effective resource for anyone looking to improve their English skills.

I. Benefits of Learning English through Animated Films

Animated films are a great way to learn English. They are fun, engaging, and can help you improve your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Here are some of the benefits of learning English through animated films:

Improved listening skills: Animated films can help you improve your listening skills by exposing you to native English speakers. You can listen to the characters speak and learn how to pronounce words correctly. You can also learn about different accents and dialects.

Skill Benefit
Listening Improved pronunciation and comprehension
Speaking Increased vocabulary and fluency
Reading Enhanced comprehension and grammar
Writing Improved sentence structure and vocabulary

Improved speaking skills: Animated films can help you improve your speaking skills by giving you the opportunity to practice speaking English. You can try to imitate the characters’ speech, or you can create your own dialogues. You can also use animated films to practice your pronunciation.

Improved reading skills: Animated films can help you improve your reading skills by exposing you to written English. You can read the subtitles or the dialogue boxes, and you can learn new words and phrases. You can also learn about different writing styles.

Improved writing skills: Animated films can help you improve your writing skills by giving you the opportunity to practice writing English. You can try to write your own stories or dialogues, or you can write about the characters and their adventures. You can also use animated films to practice your grammar and punctuation.

Overall, animated films are a great way to learn English. They are fun, engaging, and can help you improve your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

II. Selecting the Right Animated Films for Language Learning

Consider Your Language Level

Many animated films are designed for native speakers, and therefore, they may contain slang, colloquialisms, and cultural references that can be difficult for language learners to understand. Choose films that are appropriate for your language level. If you are a beginner, start with films that use simple language and have straightforward plots. As you improve your language skills, you can gradually move on to more complex films.

Identify Your Learning Goals

What do you want to learn from watching animated films? Are you interested in improving your listening skills, vocabulary, grammar, or pronunciation? Once you know your learning goals, you can choose films that will help you achieve them. For example, if you want to improve your listening skills, choose films with clear and easy-to-understand dialogue. Top 10 Disney Movies that will boost your English

Read the Reviews

Once you have identified a few films that you think might be a good fit for your language level and learning goals, read the reviews to see what other language learners have to say about them. Testimonials from past or current students are a great way to get a sense of a course or program’s quality, and the same is true of language learning materials like movies. Reviews can help you identify films that are engaging, informative, and effective for language learning.

  • The Lion King
  • Beauty and the Beast
  • Aladdin
  • The Little Mermaid
  • Toy Story

Check the Film’s Availability

Before you commit to watching a film, make sure that it is available in your language and with subtitles. You can check the film’s availability on streaming services like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, or Hulu. You can also check the film’s availability at your local library.

III. Tips for Effective Language Learning through Animated Films

Immerse yourself in the language: While watching animated films, try to focus completely on the spoken dialogue. Avoid reading subtitles initially, as they can hinder your ability to pick up on the nuances of the language. Read the related post Học tiếng Anh qua phim hoạt hình Disney for more detail information.

Repeat and imitate: One of the most effective ways to learn a new language is to repeat and imitate what you hear. As you listen to the dialogue in the film, repeat the words and phrases out loud. Try to match the intonation and pronunciation of the native speakers.

Identify and focus on key vocabulary: Pay attention to new words and phrases that you come across while watching the animated film. Write them down in a notebook or use a digital dictionary app to keep track of them. This will help you build your vocabulary and improve your understanding of the language. Here is a list of The 177 Must know English vocabulary:

S.No English words Meaning in Hindi
1 Accept स्वीकार करना
2 Accident दुर्घटना
3 Account लेखा
4 Achieve प्राप्त करना
5 Acquire अधिग्रहण करना

Engage with the content: To make the learning process more engaging, try to interact with the film on different levels. Ask yourself questions about the plot, characters, and cultural references. This will help you stay engaged and motivated throughout the film.

Enjoy the experience: Learning a new language should be an enjoyable experience. Choose animated films that you find interesting and engaging. This will make the learning process more enjoyable and effective.

Take breaks and review regularly: It is important to take breaks while you are learning a new language. This will help you avoid fatigue and improve your retention. Review the material you have learned regularly to reinforce your understanding.

  • Confidence
  • Fluency
  • Pronunciation

IV. Combining Animated Films with Other Learning Methods

Animated films can be a great way to learn English, but they can be even more effective when combined with other learning methods. Here are a few ideas for how to combine animated films with other learning methods:

Watch the film with subtitles. This will help you to follow the dialogue and learn new vocabulary. You can also use the subtitles to practice your pronunciation.

Read the script of the film. This will help you to understand the story and the characters in more detail. You can also use the script to practice your reading skills.

Listen to the soundtrack of the film. This will help you to improve your listening skills and learn new songs.

Talk about the film with a friend or family member. This will help you to practice your speaking skills and learn new vocabulary.

Write a review of the film. This will help you to practice your writing skills and learn new vocabulary.

By combining animated films with other learning methods, you can make the most of your learning experience and improve your English skills.

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Benefits of Combining Animated Films with Other Learning Methods

There are many benefits to combining animated films with other learning methods. Here are a few of the most important benefits:

  • Improved comprehension. When you watch an animated film with subtitles, you can follow the dialogue and learn new vocabulary. This will help you to understand the story and the characters in more detail.
  • Enhanced pronunciation. You can use the subtitles to practice your pronunciation. This will help you to speak English more clearly and confidently.
  • Increased vocabulary. You will learn new vocabulary from the dialogue, the script, and the soundtrack of the film. This will help you to expand your vocabulary and improve your communication skills.
  • Improved listening skills. You will improve your listening skills by listening to the soundtrack of the film. This will help you to understand spoken English more easily.
  • Enhanced speaking skills. You can practice your speaking skills by talking about the film with a friend or family member. This will help you to improve your fluency and confidence.
  • Improved writing skills. You can practice your writing skills by writing a review of the film. This will help you to improve your grammar and vocabulary.

By combining animated films with other learning methods, you can make the most of your learning experience and improve your English skills.

Tips for Combining Animated Films with Other Learning Methods

Here are a few tips for combining animated films with other learning methods:

  • Choose films that are appropriate for your level of English. If you are a beginner, start with films that are simple and easy to understand. As you progress, you can move on to more challenging films.
  • Use subtitles to help you follow the dialogue. Subtitles can be a great way to learn new vocabulary and improve your pronunciation.
  • Read the script of the film before you watch it. This will help you to understand the story and the characters in more detail.
  • Listen to the soundtrack of the film after you watch it. This will help you to improve your listening skills and learn new songs.
  • Talk about the film with a friend or family member. This will help you to practice your speaking skills and learn new vocabulary.
  • Write a review of the film. This will help you to practice your writing skills and learn new vocabulary.

By following these tips, you can make the most of your learning experience and improve your English skills.


Animated films can be a great way to learn English, but they can be even more effective when combined with other learning methods. By following the tips in this article, you can make the most of your learning experience and improve your English skills.

V. Additional Resources for Learning English through Animated Films

Online Resources

There are many online resources available to help you learn English through animated films. Some of these resources include:

  • EnglishCentral offers a variety of animated film clips with interactive subtitles and exercises.
  • Netflix has a growing collection of animated films with English subtitles.
  • Amazon Prime Video also offers a number of animated films with English subtitles.

Books and Apps

There are also a number of books and apps available to help you learn English through animated films.

Book/App Description
Duolingo Free app that offers a variety of language learning exercises, including animated film clips.
Rosetta Stone Paid software that offers a comprehensive language learning program, including animated film clips.
Animated Film English Book and online resource that provides a number of animated film clips with interactive exercises.

Other Resources

In addition to the online resources, books, and apps listed above, there are a number of other resources that can help you learn English through animated films.

  • The Internet Movie Database (IMDb) has a large database of animated films, many of which are available with English subtitles.
  • YouTube has a number of channels dedicated to teaching English through animated films.
  • Local libraries often have a collection of animated films that you can borrow for free.

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