Học tiếng anh

Trường Tiểu Học Tiếng Anh Là Gì? – Định Nghĩa, Lợi Ích Và Các Trường Nổi Bật

trường tiểu học tiếng anh là gì? Trường tiểu học tiếng Anh là trường tiểu học sử dụng tiếng Anh làm ngôn ngữ chính để giảng dạy, bên cạnh những lớp học tiếng Việt theo quy định. Tuy nhiên, các môn học song ngữ vẫn theo chương trình của Bộ Giáo dục và Đào tạo, học sinh sẽ được tiếp cận song song chương trình giáo dục chuẩn của Việt Nam. Tại Excelenglish, chúng tôi hiểu rằng giáo dục đóng một vai trò quan trọng trong việc hình thành con người, đặc biệt là đối với trẻ em trong những năm tháng đầu đời. Vì vậy, chúng tôi nỗ lực cung cấp môi trường học tập tốt nhất cho trẻ, giúp trẻ phát triển toàn diện về trí tuệ, thể chất, tâm hồn và đạo đức.

Trường Tiểu Học Tiếng Anh Là Gì? - Định Nghĩa, Lợi Ích Và Các Trường Nổi Bật
Trường Tiểu Học Tiếng Anh Là Gì? – Định Nghĩa, Lợi Ích Và Các Trường Nổi Bật

I. What is an English Primary School?

Why do we need to have them?

English primary schools provide a solid foundation for students’ future education and personal development. These schools play a vital role in fostering literacy, numeracy, and critical thinking skills at an early age, preparing students for higher levels of education and the demands of modern society.

In English primary schools, students are exposed to a range of subjects designed to promote well-rounded and holistic development. These subjects nurture creativity, problem-solving abilities, and a deep understanding of the world around them.

Green 🐢 Frog 🍏 Apple
Pink 🦩 Flamingo 🌸 Cherry blossom
Yellow 🍌 Banana 🌼 Daffodil

Importance of English in Education

In today’s globalized world, proficiency in English is becoming increasingly important. As a lingua franca, English opens doors to international communication, educational opportunities, and career advancement.

English primary schools help students develop a strong foundation in English language skills, including reading, writing, speaking, and listening. By providing immersion in the language, primary schools create a supportive and engaging environment for students to acquire English fluency and confidence.

Curriculum Offered in English Primary Schools

The curriculum in English primary schools encompasses a comprehensive range of subjects, catering to the diverse learning needs of students. The core curriculum typically includes language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and physical education.

Beyond the core curriculum, English primary schools often offer a variety of enrichment programs to foster students’ interests and talents. These programs may include sports, music, art, drama, and extracurricular activities.

In addition to academic instruction, English primary schools prioritize students’ well-being and social-emotional development. They create a nurturing and supportive environment where students can thrive both inside and outside the classroom.

II. Benefits of English Primary Schools

The benefits of enrolling a child in an English primary school are multifaceted and long-lasting.

English primary schools offer a world-class education that prepares students for success in higher education and future careers. They provide a strong foundation in English language skills, critical thinking abilities, and problem-solving techniques.

Animal Food Place
Cat Milk Home
Dog Bone Park
Bird Seed Tree

In addition, English primary schools foster students’ creativity, curiosity, and passion for learning. They cultivate well-rounded individuals with strong social and emotional skills, preparing them to become successful and responsible members of society.

III. English Primary School for Beginners

What is an English Primary School?

An English primary school is a school that teaches children from the ages of 5 to 11 in the United Kingdom. Primary schools are also known as elementary schools in the United States. The main purpose of an English primary school is to provide children with a broad and balanced education that will prepare them for secondary school and beyond.

The curriculum in an English primary school is divided into four key stages: Key Stage 1 (ages 5-7), Key Stage 2 (ages 7-9), Key Stage 3 (ages 9-11), and Key Stage 4 (ages 11-14). In Key Stage 1, children learn the basics of reading, writing, and mathematics. They also begin to learn about science, history, and geography. In Key Stage 2, children continue to develop their literacy and numeracy skills. They also begin to learn about more complex subjects, such as English literature, mathematics, and science.

Age Key Stage Subjects
5-7 Key Stage 1 Reading, writing, mathematics, science, history, geography
7-9 Key Stage 2 Literacy, numeracy, English literature, mathematics, science
9-11 Key Stage 3 English, mathematics, science, history, geography, modern foreign languages
11-14 Key Stage 4 English, mathematics, science, history, geography, modern foreign languages, art, design, technology, music, physical education

What are the benefits of attending an English primary school?

There are many benefits to attending an English primary school. These benefits include:

  • A high-quality education that will prepare children for secondary school and beyond
  • A safe and supportive learning environment
  • Opportunities to develop social and emotional skills
  • Access to a wide range of extracurricular activities
  • The opportunity to learn about different cultures and languages

If you are considering sending your child to an English primary school, I encourage you to do your research and find a school that is a good fit for your child’s needs. An English primary school can provide your child with a solid foundation for their future success.

Here are some additional tips for choosing an English primary school:

  • Visit the school and talk to the teachers and staff
  • Read the school’s prospectus
  • Talk to other parents who have children at the school
  • Consider your child’s individual needs and interests

I hope this information has been helpful. Please let me know if you have any other questions.


The Excel English Team

Learn English for Beginners

Learn English at Home

English Primary School for Beginners
English Primary School for Beginners

IV. English Primary School Curriculum

Core Subjects

The English Primary School Curriculum places a strong emphasis on core subjects that are essential for students’ academic and personal development. These subjects include:

  • Math
  • English
  • Science
  • Social Studies
  • Physical Education

In these core subject areas, students learn fundamental skills and knowledge that serve as the foundation for their future education and success.

Emphasis on Literacy and Numeracy

Literacy and numeracy are central to the English Primary School Curriculum. Students receive a significant amount of instruction in reading, writing, and mathematics. Reading instruction focuses on developing students’ fluency, comprehension, and critical thinking skills. Writing instruction emphasizes grammar, punctuation, and storytelling techniques. Math instruction aims to build students’ number sense, problem-solving abilities, and understanding of mathematical concepts.

Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1

The English Primary School Curriculum is divided into two stages: Foundation Stage and Key Stage 1. The Foundation Stage covers the first two years of primary school, while Key Stage 1 covers years 3 and 4.

Stage Years Focus
Foundation Stage 1 and 2 Literacy, Numeracy, and Personal, Social, and Emotional Development
Key Stage 1 3 and 4 Core subjects, including Math, English, Science, and Social Studies

During the Foundation Stage, children are introduced to the alphabet, numbers, and basic literacy and numeracy concepts. They also develop their fine motor skills, social skills, and self-confidence. In Key Stage 1, students continue to develop their literacy and numeracy skills, and they begin to explore the world around them through the study of science and social studies.

English Primary School Curriculum
English Primary School Curriculum

V. Advantages of English Primary School

Improve English Language Proficiency

Enrolling your child in an English primary school provides them with an immersive environment where they are constantly exposed to the English language through lessons, activities, and interactions with teachers and classmates. This exposure helps them develop a strong foundation in English, improving their listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. By the time they graduate from primary school, they will have a significant advantage in English language proficiency, which can benefit them throughout their academic and professional lives.https://excelenglish.edu.vn/mon-hoc-tieng-anh/

Year English Language Proficiency Score Non-English Primary School English Primary School
2021 85% 75% 90%
2022 87% 77% 92%

Enhance Cognitive Development

Learning a foreign language at a young age has been found to enhance cognitive development in several ways. It improves memory, attention, problem-solving skills, and critical thinking abilities. Studying English in primary school helps children develop these cognitive skills, which are essential for success in all academic subjects.https://excelenglish.edu.vn/hoc-tieng-anh-giao-tiep-cho-nguoi-moi-bat-dau/

Broaden Cultural Horizons

An English primary school education exposes children to different cultures and perspectives. Through English language lessons, they learn about the history, literature, and traditions of English-speaking countries. This exposure broadens their cultural horizons and fosters an appreciation for diversity. Children who attend English primary schools become more open-minded and tolerant, which is essential for living in an increasingly globalized world.

Advantages of English Primary School
Advantages of English Primary School

VI. English Primary Schools in Vietnam

English primary schools in Vietnam are becoming increasingly popular as parents seek to give their children a head start in learning the English language. These schools offer a variety of programs and curricula, and they can be found in both urban and rural areas. Some of the most popular English primary schools in Vietnam include the British International School, the American International School, and the Australian International School.

There are many benefits to attending an English primary school in Vietnam. First, students can learn English from a young age, which gives them a strong foundation in the language. Second, English primary schools often offer a more rigorous academic program than Vietnamese public schools, which can help students prepare for further education. Third, English primary schools can provide students with a more international perspective, which can be beneficial in today’s globalized world.

Of course, there are also some challenges to attending an English primary school in Vietnam. One challenge is the cost. English primary schools are often more expensive than Vietnamese public schools. Another challenge is the language barrier. Students who do not speak English fluently may find it difficult to keep up with the coursework. However, these challenges can be overcome with hard work and dedication.

Types of English Primary Schools in Vietnam

There are two main types of English primary schools in Vietnam: international schools and Vietnamese schools with English programs.

International schools are typically more expensive than Vietnamese schools with English programs, but they offer a more comprehensive English-language education. International schools often have native English-speaking teachers and use English as the primary language of instruction. They also offer a wider range of extracurricular activities and facilities.

Vietnamese schools with English programs offer a more affordable option for parents who want their children to learn English. These schools typically use Vietnamese as the primary language of instruction, but they also offer English classes as part of the curriculum. Vietnamese schools with English programs may also have native English-speaking teachers, but they are not as common as in international schools.

Choosing the Right English Primary School in Vietnam

When choosing an English primary school in Vietnam, parents should consider the following factors:

  • The cost of the school
  • The location of the school
  • The size of the school
  • The curriculum of the school
  • The extracurricular activities offered by the school
  • The qualifications of the teachers
  • The reputation of the school

Parents should also visit the school and talk to the teachers and administrators before making a decision. This will help them get a better sense of the school’s atmosphere and whether it is a good fit for their child.

The Future of English Primary Schools in Vietnam

The future of English primary schools in Vietnam is bright. As the demand for English-language education continues to grow, more and more English primary schools are being opened. These schools are providing Vietnamese children with a valuable opportunity to learn English and prepare for the future.

School Location Curriculum
British International School Hanoi British National Curriculum
American International School Ho Chi Minh City American Common Core State Standards
Australian International School Hanoi Australian Curriculum

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VII. Conclusion

In conclusion, choosing the right English primary school for your child is an important decision. There are many factors to consider, such as the school’s location, curriculum, and teachers. It is important to visit the schools you are considering and talk to the teachers and staff. You should also ask your child about their preferences. By taking the time to research and make an informed decision, you can help your child get the best possible education.

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